Effect of a Community Health Worker-Led Multicomponent Intervention on Blood Pressure Control in Low-Income Patients in Argentina: A Randomized Clinical Trial

J. He,V. Irazola,K. T. Mills,R. Poggio,A. Beratarrechea,J. Dolan,C. S. Chen,L. Gibbons,M. Krousel-Wood,L. A. Bazzano,A. Nejamis,P. Gulayin,M. Santero,F. Augustovski,J. Chen and A. Rubinstein. Effect of a Community Health Worker-Led Multicomponent Intervention on Blood Pressure Control in Low-Income Patients in Argentina: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama. 2017;318(11):10.1001/jama.2017.11358.