Deliberative meeting with health decision-makers from Latin America

Last April 20, 2023 we participated in the event “Challenges in prohibiting the advertising of sugary drinks to protect children and adolescents” organized by Fic Argentina together with national and provincial representatives.

At the meeting we disseminated the results of the study “Potential impact on population health of reducing sugar consumption in girls, boys and adolescents through the prohibition of advertising, promotion and sponsorship of sugary drinks at the national and provincial level” led by our research team in health technology evaluation and health economics and integrated by FIC Argentina; the National University of Río Negro and the Dr. Ramón Carrillo Zonal Hospital of Bariloche.

It was a day of exchange of experiences and expertise between the different participating actors that concluded with the commitment to continue working as a network between civil society and health decision-makers to defend the implementation of the Labeling Law and promote complementary measures to the prohibition of advertising of sugary drinks.

The results of the study are summarized in an infographic available at this link.