Health Technology Assessment Agency

Healthcare Technology encompasses medications, devices, medical and surgical procedures, along with organizational and support systems in healthcare.
At the IECS, we have an agency specialized in Health Technology Assessment, which produces various reports crucial for health decision-making.

Our Key Documents

Quick response reports

Brief technical reports

Systematic reviews

Economic evaluations

Tools for Correct Decisions

Our reports are essential to define:

  • Technology coverage
  • Investments in health technologies
  • Refunds

We clarify the viability y benefits foreseeable consequences of applying new technologies in the field of health. We identify the patients and clinical situations benefited and their economic impact Estimate.

Tools for Correct Decisions

ETESA Report Preparation Methodology


It is part of our consortium of more than 30 public and private institutions in Latin America.


We produce documents together with different institutions in the country, the region and the world.