Committee for Equal Rights, Diversity and Gender Equity

The IECS makes the decision to implement a gender and equity policy that promotes an inclusive workplace, free of violence, harassment and discrimination.

Following this premise, during 2019 a group of collaborators from the institution launched a proposal to develop a process to promote equal opportunities.

The IECS management team assumed a strong commitment to the issue and the proposal moved forward guided by a specialized consulting firm, which carried out a diagnosis of the situation and an action plan. Within this action plan, a Coexistence Manual, a Guide to Good Practices and a Reminder of Non-Tolerated Practices document were prepared, which are the instruments that define the position of the institution and the elements of intervention to address and resolve the situations that arise. produce inequalities and discrimination.


In 2020, a permanent work team was consolidated: the Committee for Equal Rights, Diversity and Gender Equity (CIDDEG), whose objectives are to monitor and evaluate the measures adopted and generate opportunities for reflection and training.

This will allow the IECS to achieve an organizational culture based on the principle of equity.

To contact the committee, send an email to