Gaps in the response to the needs of older adults to achieve healthy aging, was developed during the years 2020 and 2021
Period: 2020-2021
Financier: Health Research Scholarships Health Research Directorate. Ministry of Health
the nation
the nation
Principal researchers: Carolina Prado, Vilma Irazola, Ana Cavallo, María Victoria López,
Diego Caruso, Fabián Ortiz, Juan Manuel Serna
Diego Caruso, Fabián Ortiz, Juan Manuel Serna
Summary: It was developed during the years 2020 and 2021, its objective was
determine the components of healthy aging from the perspective of adults
older adults in the community and identify gaps between the needs of older adults
to achieve healthy aging and the actions promoted by the programs with the
purpose of contributing with rigorous information to decision makers in charge of optimizing the
strategies and use of resources. To respond to this objective, an approach was also used
mixed scientific, developed in four stages: 1) Documentary review of programs
current national and provincial governments aimed at promoting healthy aging; 2)
Visualization of the needs of the elderly population, for which
conducted in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys with older adults of all ages
provinces of Argentina ;3) Identification of gaps between the needs raised by the
older adults for healthy aging and what is proposed by the programs; 4)
Prioritization of addressing the identified gaps, for which a mapping exercise was carried out.
prioritization with references in the area of geriatrics and gerontology, decision makers and
members of scientific societies.
determine the components of healthy aging from the perspective of adults
older adults in the community and identify gaps between the needs of older adults
to achieve healthy aging and the actions promoted by the programs with the
purpose of contributing with rigorous information to decision makers in charge of optimizing the
strategies and use of resources. To respond to this objective, an approach was also used
mixed scientific, developed in four stages: 1) Documentary review of programs
current national and provincial governments aimed at promoting healthy aging; 2)
Visualization of the needs of the elderly population, for which
conducted in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys with older adults of all ages
provinces of Argentina ;3) Identification of gaps between the needs raised by the
older adults for healthy aging and what is proposed by the programs; 4)
Prioritization of addressing the identified gaps, for which a mapping exercise was carried out.
prioritization with references in the area of geriatrics and gerontology, decision makers and
members of scientific societies.