Development of an “All In One” platform as a Clinical Registry and Telehealth System

    • Projects 2022, Projects of the ENG Implementation and Innovation Center

Period: August 2022 – December 2022

Work team:

  • Dr. Alejandro López Osornio
  • Dr. Daniel Rizzato Lede
  • Dr. Adolfo Rubinstein
  • Lic. Yassel Omar Izquierdo Souchay
  • Lic. Miguel Amorese
  • Lic. Sofía Landi
  • Lic. María Quispe
  • Dr. Sergio Montenegro
  • Dr. María Sofía Landi Fraguglia
  • Lic. Alejandro Benavídez
  • Lic. Fernanda Ojea

Objectives: To develop an “All In One” Clinical Registry and Telehealth platform, composed of a software package that can be easily implemented by the health systems of the countries in the region. It will be shared as a digital public good, forming a user-friendly system.

Abstract: This proposal consists of providing a platform with a modular architecture approach, it will have different modules for patients and professionals whose different functions will be oriented to the loading of information in each patient's profile; registration of diseases; remote consultations; education and chatbots, among others. There will be three different modalities of attention: spontaneous video consultation, programmed and second opinion (it will include an exchange between professionals).

Financing: Panamerican Health Organization (PAHO).