Availability, visibility and promotion of healthy and unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages at food points of sale in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
February 2018 –August 2020
Period: February 2018 –August 2020
Financier: International Development Research Center (IDRC)
Participating Institutions: IECS, CEDES AND FIC
Researchers: Natalia Elorriaga, Vilma Irazola, Daniela Moyano, Ana Cavallo
The eating habits of the population depend on the characteristics and tastes of individuals but are also influenced and maintained by the food environment, including the community, social environment, food outlets, industry and government. The availability of food in retail stores can be a determining factor in food selection by consumers, in particular, the relationship between healthy and unhealthy foods offered and their location within the stores can influence decisions. shopping.
The general objective of this study is to evaluate the availability and visibility of healthy and unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages in supermarkets in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA).
A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study will be carried out, following an adaptation of the protocol developed by INFORMAS (International Network of Researchers for the Prevention of Obesity) to be applied in locations in our country. Food points of sale (supermarkets) with at least two cash registers from different areas of the CABA will be included. The foods will be classified according to the food groups proposed by the Dietary Guides for the Argentine Population and the proportion of healthy versus unhealthy foods offered and their visibility will be analyzed according to the area of the CABA. This characterization will provide evidence that may be useful for defining public policies on healthy nutrition.