Interventions based on Mobile Health to improve the detection and monitoring of populations at high cardiovascular risk in Argentina
Period: 2016-2018
Andrea Beratarrechea, Vilma Irazola and Daniela Moyano
Objective 1
To evaluate whether a strategy based on mobile health that includes the use by health promoters of an application (“app”) on a mobile phone to calculate CVR and an appointment system integrated into the health center increases the rate of people without coverage. of health and high risk of CVD that is referred and evaluated in primary health care centers of the public network.
Objective 2
To evaluate whether the use of this tool increases the follow-up of people with high CVR who are referred to the CAPS.
Objective 3
Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the proposed intervention.
Based on innovative health interventions, it is expected to reinforce the care of patients with high cardiovascular risk at the first level of care by including interventions based on Information and Communication Technology through the design and implementation of a mobile application for calculating the cardiovascular risk by health agents and the sending of educational text messages that promote healthy lifestyles and reminders of medical care. It is expected to leave installed capacity and infrastructure that can then be used in the rest of the public primary care network.
This study is a pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial that will determine whether the use of Mobile Health tools for Health Promoters for the active recruitment and classification of people at high cardiovascular risk increases the number of people at high cardiovascular risk who are referred and followed up. in primary care centers in low-resource settings. It will also evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the proposed intervention. Eight health centers in the public network will be randomly assigned to receive the proposed intervention (an application on a mobile phone for cardiovascular risk classification integrated into a shift system to be able to refer patients to the health center plus SMS reminders and educational for the people included), or the usual classification procedures using paper charts to calculate cardiovascular risk. 740 adults will be included, without coverage and a 10-year cardiovascular risk ≥ 10%. We are going to develop a technological tool that integrates a mobile application to calculate the cardiovascular risk associated with a shift system on the mobile phone. This system will be integrated into the health center's shift system. This will allow the health promoter to schedule appointments for high-risk people identified at the time of detection and refer them to the center for a scheduled appointment with the doctor. Participants will also receive text messages on their cell phones to remind them of appointments and educational messages for lifestyle modification and to schedule follow-up care. The primary outcomes to be measured are: the proportion of participants with a CVD risk ≥ 10% who attend a baseline clinic visit and the proportion of participants with a CVD risk ≥ 10% who attend follow-up visits at the centers. selected health.
Fogarty International Center.NIH
Study design
Cluster randomized clinical trial.