Integrated model of epidemiological and macroeconomic impact of COVID-19 in Argentina

February 2022 - June 2022

    • Projects of the Center for Implementation and Innovation in Health Policies
    • Concluded

Period: February 2022 – June 2022


  • Dr. Adolfo Rubinstein
  • Dr. Eduardo Levy Yeyati
  • Lic. Federico Filippini 
  • Dr. Alejandro López Osornio
  • Lic. Adrian Santoro 
  • Dr. Andrés Pichón Riviere
  • Dr. Federico Augustovski
  • Lic. Cintia Cejas

Goal: Integrate a set of epidemiological and macroeconomic parameters, in order to inform policy decisions on the health and economic impacts of health and social measures as vaccine coverage increases.

Summary: It is proposed to complement the links between health and economic outcomes based on the combination and rigor of specific health and social measures, as the vaccination rollout evolves, adjusting for the estimated degree of compliance. The model delves into the impact on economic activity by distinguishing sectors (industries) with different intensity of contact (physical), assigning the indirect effect of health and social restrictions to each sector also considering labor informality.

Financier:  World Health Organization (WHO)