Technical Support for COVID-19 prevention, preparedness and local response in 23 Municipalities of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. 

    • Projects 2020, Projects of the ENG Implementation and Innovation Center


Period: November 2020 – March 2021

Team: Dr. Adolfo Rubinstein, Dr. Analia López, Dr. Miriam Burgos, Dr. Alejandro López Ososrnio, Lic. Cintia Cejas, Lic. Maisa Havela, Dr. Alejandro Blumenfeld, Dr. Santiago Wasserman.


Provide technical support to 23 municipalities of Buenos Aires Province in prevention, preparedness and response measures against COVID19 pandemic.


The Program is developed in three work components: 1) Development of a local management plan against COVID19, and provide technical support for its implementation. 2) Intensive training of the healthcare workers and the EOC -Emergency Operations Committee 3) Provide support for epidemiological surveillance and sanitary response for decision-making. 

Supported by: 23 Municipalities of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.