GESI Network

The main objective of GESI (Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative) is to synthesize and put this evidence into practice in decision-making in LMICs. It works with various topics: agriculture, crime and justice, economic development, education, food security, health, hygiene, social protection and water sanitation.

In May 2017, our Cochrane Center  and the Department of Assessment of Health Technologies and Health Economics were selected to be part of GESI (Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative), a network that brings together various centers from low and middle-income countries (LMICs) that work on the synthetic search for health evidence. It is a consortium that promotes the exchange of experiences and mutual collaboration to achieve the best scientific evidence. 

The GESI Consortium is comprised of leading organizations in synthesizing evidence: CochraneCampbell Collaboration, the Alliance for Health Systems and Policy Research (AHPSR), the International Initiative for Impact Assessment (3ie), the American Institutes for Research (AIR),  EPPI Center, the Environmental Evidence Collaboration (EEC) and the Joanna Birggs Institute (JBI).

The GESI secretariat resides at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon.