Constanza Silvestrini


Constanza Silvestrini Viola. She has a degree in Economics and a master's degree in Public Finance, with both degrees obtained from the National University of La Plata (UNLP). Currently, she is pursuing her doctorate in Administration Sciences at the same university.
She is a CONICET doctoral fellow at the Center for Experimental and Applied Endocrinology (CENEXA) of the UNLP, and works as
researcher in the Department of Health Technology Assessment and Economic Evaluations of the IECS, where she participates in projects on economic burden, budget impact, cost-effectiveness and primary data analysis.
She has participated in research tasks in health economics since 2017 as a research fellow at CENEXA - UNLP -CONICET, and has carried out consulting work on costs in the field of health and in pharmacoeconomic analysis and health technologies.