Laura Gutierrez
Laura Gutierrez has a degree in Statistics, graduated with honors from the School of Statistics of the National University of Rosario (UNR) and is pursuing a master's degree in Applied Statistics at the School of Statistics of the UNR.
Currently, she works as a statistician and data manager in the Statistics, Data Management and Information Systems Unit of the IECS. She is also a researcher at the Center of Excellence in Cardiovascular Health for South America (CESCAS) of the Chronic Disease Research Department of the IECS and coordinates the data management and statistical analysis activities of the department.
He is a professor of the Master's Degree in Clinical Effectiveness at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
His main areas of experience are the statistical analysis of population epidemiological studies and clinical trials, and the use of the REDCap and OpenClinica systems for the design and management of data from clinical and epidemiological studies.
He worked as a senior statistical analyst at The Nielsen Company, with experience in sampling and survey design, data quality control, and statistical analysis. She was a professor of Biostatistics and Research Methodology at UNR and did an internship in the Health Research Area of the Public Health Secretariat of the Municipality of Rosario.