El Friday, December 11 at 12 noon (ARG) The Webinar “Smoking and taxes in Latin America” will be held. New data on the social, health and economic impact of tobacco; and the potential effects of illicit trade.” The preliminary results of a research that updated the disease burden and economic burden of smoking in 2020 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru) will be presented to 8. The work includes the costs of lost labor productivity and informal care tasks, and estimated the impact of different tax scenarios in an illicit trade framework.


· Dr. Andrés Pichon-Riviere, executive director of the IECS.
· Mag. Alfredo Palacios, coordinator of Health Economics, IECS.
· Dr. Blanca Llorente, research director of Fundación Anáas, Colombia.
· Dr. Mario Virgolini, coordinator of the National Tobacco Control Program of the Ministry of Health, Argentina.
· Daniel Dorado, senior public policy organizer for Latin America at Corporate Accountability, Ecuador.


This project was coordinated by the IECS, in collaboration with prestigious institutions in the region, and financed by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) of the Government of Canada.

It should be noted that in recent years the IECS has led different studies on smoking. To learn about the materials produced within the framework of these studies, visit http://www.iecs.org.ar/tobacco/

The activity is free of charge

It is through the Zoom platform and requires prior registration

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